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Our Mission

Create a world where individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities are supported and empowered to pursue their dreams.

We strive to collaboratively engage, educate, and empower individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, alongside their families and communities.  Our team fosters inclusivity and supports our individual members to lead fulfilling and independent lives.  We are one community with countless dreams.

"To collaboratively educate 
and empower individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, alongside their families and communities."

Core Values


Upholding the dignity and worth of every individual, regardless of their abilities or background.


Treating every individual with dignity, empathy, and consideration.


Empowering individuals to advocate for themselves, make choices, and pursue their dreams.


Being advocates for the rights and needs of individuals with disabilities, ensuring their voices are heard and respected.


Providing mentorship opportunities to foster personal growth and development among our members.


Committing to long-term support and services that are comprehensive and innovative to ensure the continued well-being of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities and their families.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Does The Centre for Dreams get funding from the government?
    The Centre for Dreams receives a foundation grant annually from the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services. The grant only accounts for 9% of our annual income. The remaining income is received through members’ fees, donors and fundraising initiatives.
  • Does The Centre for Dreams offer 1:1 services for clients?
    At The Centre for Dreams, we do offer 1:1 services to clients at a specialized rate. However, we also encourage families to consider providing their own 1:1 worker and managing the associated fee independently. This allows families to tailor the support to their specific needs and preferences.
  • Do you offer trial days for individuals interested in programming at The Centre for Dreams?
    Trial days are available for both the adult day program and the youth program. In fact, we highly encourage trial days for families, our organization, and most importantly, for the clients themselves. This allows all parties involved to assess compatibility and ensure that our services effectively meet the needs and preferences of the client.
  • Can I volunteer at The Centre for Dreams?
    Volunteers play a crucial role in the success of our organization, bringing forth innovative and personalized ideas that we highly value. Through meticulous recruitment, selection, and supervision processes, our volunteers collaborate closely with our dedicated staff to enrich our services and help you attain your personal and professional objectives. You may apply via our website or kindly email us We look forward to hearing from you.
  • Do you offer tours of your facility?
    If you are interested in a tour of our amazing facility, please call us at 905-209-9092 to make arrangements with one of our staff. We ask that you give us at least five days notice to ensure time availability.
  • Is The Centre for Dreams a registered charity with Canada Revenue Agency?
    Yes, The Centre for Dreams is a registered charity with Canada Revenue Agency. This allows us to provide tax receipts for donations made. Our Charitable Tax Number is 89545 8404 RR0001.
  • Do you help individuals to obtain jobs in the community?
    The Adult Day Program has a job training component called DreamWorx. The Job Skills Training Program works to provide our members with basic job skills that apply to various workplace environments such as; stocking shelves, facing product, sweeping, cleaning surfaces, filing, categorizing etc. Through this program the goal is for our members to determine the workplace environment that best suits their abilities, likes and desires. Once this has been determined and the necessary skills have been perfected, the member is then able to join the DreamWorx Program and practice in an actual workplace environment. The DreamWorx Program provides our members with the opportunity to showcase their abilities in the workplace. We currently have several job placements within the community.
  • Do you provide field e