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Youth Achieving Dreams (YAD)

Youth Achieving Dreams (YAD) is a specially designed program for youth ages 13-21 living with intellectual and developmental disabilities. This in-person program, offered during evenings and weekends, provides a client-centred curriculum that focuses on three essential pillars: social skills, emotional skills, and life skills.

Our engaging and relevant curriculum equips youth with practical skills that can be applied in their daily lives, fostering growth and development. Beyond skill-building, YAD also serves as a social hub, enabling participants to form meaningful relationships and friendships.

Our mission is to empower youth to become more confident, independent, and skill-oriented through this enriching experience.

Benefits for Youth Living with Disabilities

  • Enhanced Social Integration: Improved social skills, bolstered by community field trips, help youth engage more effectively with their peers, fostering inclusion and reducing social barriers.

  • Emotional Resilience: Building emotional skills equips youth to handle life's ups and downs, improving their overall mental health and ability to manage stress.

  • Greater Independence: Life skills training empowers youth to take charge of their daily activities, increasing their self-sufficiency and confidence.


Through the comprehensive approach of YAD’s three pillars, youth living with disabilities are supported in becoming more confident, independent, and well-rounded individuals.

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Ethhan & Miles


The social skills component of YAD focuses on helping youth develop the ability to interact effectively with others. This includes learning focussed on communication techniques, teamwork, conflict resolution, and building healthy relationships. To enhance these skills, we offer fun and engaging community field trips, which provide real-world opportunities for youth to practice social interactions in diverse settings. These outings benefit participants by increasing their social confidence, broadening their experiences, and helping them develop friendships outside of their usual environments. For youth living with intellectual and developmental disabilities, improving social skills can lead to greater social inclusion, reduced feelings of isolation, and the ability to form and maintain meaningful relationships.



Emotional skills training helps youth understand and manage their emotions. This includes learning focussed on emotional-regulation, empathy, positive affirmations, gratitude, and coping strategies for stress and anxiety. At our facility, we have a Snoezelen Multi-Sensory environment, which provides a controlled and stimulating setting designed to promote relaxation and reduce anxiety. This environment benefits youth by enhancing sensory development, providing a safe space for emotional expression, and improving overall mental well-being. Developing emotional skills is crucial for youth with disabilities, as it enhances their ability to navigate the challenges they face, promotes mental well-being, and fosters resilience and self-confidence.

Life Skills


The life skills pillar provides practical knowledge and abilities that are essential for everyday living. This includes learning focussed on personal hygiene, cooking, budgeting, and time management. As part of our program, we offer a weekly culinary class that teaches youth essential cooking skills and kitchen safety. This hands-on component not only helps them learn to prepare meals but also instils a sense of independence and confidence. For youth living with disabilities, mastering life skills is key to achieving greater independence, enabling them to take on more responsibilities, and preparing them for adulthood and potential employment opportunities.

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